What is LoRa?

What is LoRa?

LoRa, which stands for Long Range, is a wireless technology widely acknowledged for its ability to send small amount of data over wide distances.

LoRa, which stands for Long Range, is a wireless technology widely acknowledged for its ability to send small amount of data over wide distances. LoRa is one of the pillars of low power wide area (LPWA) network technologies that are going to help bolster the adoption of Massive IoT, because they are purpose built for low powered and battery operated devices within a vast ecosystem of IoT – think agriculture where soil sensors are taking quick, semi-infrequent readings of moisture, pH, etc.

LPWA is divided into two classifications. On one side, there is cellular LPWA, which leverages a mobile network – and those include Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) and Long Term Machine Type Communications (LTE-M). LoRa is a non-cellular LPWA network that distributes information across different frequency channels and data rates using encoded packets.

What is LoRaWAN?

LoRaWAN is the network protocol that links the LoRa signal (sensor data) to the application(s). To put it simply, LoRa is the radio signal that carries the data, and LoRaWAN is the communication protocol that controls and defines how that data is communicated across the network.


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