EPOS Remote Troubleshooting using Autocheck

EPOS Remote Troubleshooting using Autocheck


Autocheck 3 (version 3.7 onwards) now has an option to view the following information for EPOS units, which will help pinpoint what and where errors occur.

Note: This is historical data pulled from the Cloud

  1. Map details (with or without satellite image overlay)

o   Position of Charging Station

o   Position of Reference Station

o   Work areas

o   Stay-out zones

o   Transport paths

  1. Basic operation data:

o   No Error

o   Error

o   Fatal Error (needs rescue)

  1. Overlay of following information:

o   EPOS Radio         – Signal quality

o   EPOS Radio         – Signal strength (RSSI)

o   EPOS Radio         – Packet loss (PSR)

o   Mower position – Accuracy

o   Cellular                 – Signal strength (RSSI)

o   Satellites              – EPOS status

o   Satellites              – Number of satellites used

  1. Aggregated data by square meter:

o   Average:             Average value for each square

o   Worst:                 Worst value for each square

o   Best:                     Best value for each square

o   Median:              Median value for each square

How to use:

Make sure Autocheck 3 is up to date or at least version 3.7 onwards

  1.  Launch Autocheck 3 Program
  2. Click on the “LOGBOOK” icon
  3. Enter the Serial number of the mower you want information on then click “OK”
  4. Click on “Maps” then click on “LOAD MAP”
  5. It will now load the Map and show the installation, along with the map objects
    1. You can click on “Show satellite map” to overlay satellite image
    2. Use the Zoom tools in bottom left of Map to zoom in or out for more detail
    3. Under the zoom tools, distance from reference station is shown wherever you click in the map
    4. Click inside boundary or Stay-out zone to show the area size
To view data
  1.  Click on “Show errors” then “SELECT DATA”
  2.  Check the box on operation/s you want to view (usually ones showing “has error”/”has fatal error” then Click “OK”. Note: You can also set a date range
  3.  You can now select what “Layer” and “Calculation” you want to view (eg: Satellite – EPOS status)
  4.  Click on the Error icons for detailed information. Darker red are fatal errors which need manual intervention