Does the Internet Connection Affect the GPS Signal?

Does the Internet Connection Affect the GPS Signal?

  1. The stability of the internet connection (Wi-Fi/4G) plays a critical role in facilitating communication between Yarbo's rover and the RTK Base. The RTK Base serves as a reference point, delivering real-time correction and precise GPS data to the Yarbo device through two primary protocols: Ntrip, requiring an internet connection, and LoRa, functioning without an internet connection. If you are curious about why an internet connection is important for Yarbo, the significance of this connection for Yarbo's GPS signal is explained in detail in the article below. Please refer to the article for further information.

  2. For RTK communication via Ntrip, both the RTK Base and Yarbo Rover need a constant internet connection (Wi-Fi/4G). This connectivity enables the RTK Base to receive correction data from GPS satellites and transmit it to the Yarbo device. While 4G is an option, it's recommended to use Wi-Fi to avoid excessive cellular data usage. However, it's important to note that the quality of the Wi-Fi connection can be affected by various factors such as physical obstructions, materials like concrete and metal, and the distance between the Wi-Fi router and the Yarbo device. These influences may weaken the Wi-Fi connection, potentially impacting the RTK Base's ability to deliver accurate signal data to Yarbo devices or it can be said that the quality of the Wi-Fi connection directly impacts the GPS signal reception on the Yarbo device.

  3. In situations where there is no internet connection available (neither 4G nor Wi-Fi) for both the RTK Base and Yarbo rover, the RTK antenna can still capture satellite signals containing GPS data. In this scenario, the RTK Base utilizes LoRa to transmit the satellite data to the Yarbo device. The LoRa technology can maintain a stable connection with Yarbo device to perform precise GPS signal data without internet connection. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that the accuracy of GPS signal transmission solely through LoRa is not as high as when using both Ntrip and LoRa. This is because the accuracy and precision of positioning with only LoRa can be affected by obstructions, resulting in a weaker or moderate GPS signal received by the Yarbo device. To ensure that the Yarbo rover receives precise correction data, it is advisable to maintain an internet connection for both the RTK Base and Yarbo device, preferably using Wi-Fi to conserve cellular data. This approach significantly contributes to the overall reliability and accuracy of communication between the RTK Base and Yarbo rover.